

We aim to be a partnering service between the NHS and Industry, helping to support and facilitate new ideas and innovation to benefit patients. We can support you with our team of Medical and Business associates and extensive network contacts.

Service Re-design / Service Adoption

In line with the FYFV, many services provided in the acute setting could be re-designed/adopted into Primary care. At Networking Health, our team are currently working on a number of initiatives which are based on this concept. We are working with Acute Trusts, GP Federations/PCNs and Industry on these collaborations.

Training for Industry + NHS Professionals

We can provide a range of training packages to both Industry and NHS customers on a variety of topics. Training may be delivered by us or one of our Associates. Contact us to discuss further any training requirements that you may have. New for 2022 will be our lunchtime GP Educational Webinar Sessions. These sessions will be hosted by Dr Mike Smith and will cover a wide range of therapy areas.

Market Research

Through our extensive network we can pull together a range of healthcare professionals and assist you with any market research work. Contact us to discuss your requirements and how we can help you achieve your research objectives.

Business Development + Project Mgmt

If you have a specific business development/project management need, then contact us about how we can support you. We can help you meet any challenges that you are facing by brining together a team of experts through our associate program/network contacts. Currently we are working on a number of projects on behalf of King’s College Hospital.

Advisory Boards

The key to running a successful advisory board is to have a strong and experienced chair, along with experts in their field who are confident speakers. We can provide this for you, allowing impartiality in the process. We specialise in Primary care ad-boards, and can bring together GP’s with an interest in the field for discussion, and help devise and appraise strategy from the discussion.