
Dr Richard Iles


Dr Richard Iles is a Consultant in Respiratory Paediatrics at the Evelina Children’s Hospital, Guys and St Thomas’s NHS FT, and Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics, London, UK. He qualified from St Thomas’s Hospital, and trained in Paediatrics at St Thomas’s, The Royal London, UCL and Alder Hey Hospitals. He held research fellowships in the RHSC in Edinburgh and Toronto Sick Children’s Hospital. He was a consultant and associate lecturer in in Respiratory Paediatrics at Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge from 1997 until his move to London in 2015. 

He has held an Honorary Lecturer post in health economics at the School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice, UEA. He was a member of Clinical Senate Council, East of England, and the Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy. He has also held posts on the Specialist Paediatric Medicine Clinical Reference Group, as Innovation and Respiratory lead, as well as the British Thoracic Society / BPRS R&D and ERS Paediatric Infection and Immunology committees. He was the Paediatric Innovation lead for the NIHR Brain Injury MIC and Respiratory / LTV lead for the NIHR CYP MedTech MIC.

He was chair of the National Paediatric Asthma Collaborative from 2013 to 2017 a national quality improvement program for NHS England and the Strategic Clinical Networks Collaboration. In 2016 he became the Paediatric Asthma Advisor to the Healthy London Partnership. In these roles he has helped develop the London Paediatric Asthma toolkit and the HLP Paediatric Asthma Standards revised in 2020. He has contributed to the design RCP National Asthma audit, the development of a National CQUIN and Best Practice Tariff. He has sat on NHS pricing and commissioning committees for NHS England representing paediatric asthma as a “long term condition”. He currently sits on the HQIP Child Health IAG and is co-chair of the NHS England Asthma intervention workgroup and South East London Paediatric Implementation board.


He co-developed Structured Light Plethysmography (SLP), with Dr Joan Lasenby, from the Engineering Department of Cambridge University, from which PneumaCare Ltd was created PneumaCare, was the first company to receive funding from the University of Cambridge Discovery Fund, and "is a model for utilising academic expertise" - Research Horizons, Cambridge Research Office.  PneumaCare won the European Respiratory Society “POINT” award and has secured over £8.5M in investment, over 40% of which has been from development and innovation grants. The Thora3Di is CE marked, FDA approved and holds a NICE technology appraisal.