
Colin Bryan


Colin has enjoyed considerable success within the Pharmaceutical Industry having been involved in the UK launch of several block buster products. As well as working in mainstream Pharma, Colin also has worked successfully within the Orphan Drugs market place.

Starting his career with BMS, Colin successfully introduced an Integrated Care Pathway for MI within the hospital of North Cheshire and Merseyside. The success of this program led to additional sales and market share for Pravastatin.

Promotions to managerial and strategic positions, Colin also worked with the senior Core Brand Team for the successful launch of Clopidogrel (Plavix).

At Aventis, Colin was part of the launch team for Insulin Glargine (Lantus), a new basal Insulin which reached block buster status in record time.

Colin spent several years at Abbott where Colin was also part of the Core Brand team to launch Adalimumab (Humira) in Crohns, Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis and RA. Humira went on to become the biggest world wide product in terms of sales Revenue.

Colin was further promoted as national Market Access Manager to work on the strategy of Lopinavir/Ritonavir (Kaletra) in Abbotts Specialised Products Division.  Successful defence strategies were implemented to maintain market share in key markets such as London with the advent of new product competition.

 Colin moved to Ferring as Head of Market Access running a small team in their Urology and Gastroenterology franchises. Colin helped drive the successful NICE, SMC and AWMSG submissions for Degarelix (Firmagon). At the same time Colin was also appointed onto the SMC Industry user group advising the SMC on how best to interact with Industry.

 Colin moved into the Orphan Drug market as Head of Market Access for Sobi (Swedish Orphan Biovitrum) where he led the Market Access Division supporting existing and new to market products, helping steer them successfully through NICE submissions. Colin also led a successful defence strategy to support Sobi when they suffered the first loss of patent for an Orphan product.

 Colin was then promoted to lead Sobi’s European Market Access capability as Market Access Lead EMENAR (Europe, Middle East, North Africa and Russia). This entailed the co-ordination of of health economic responses in Individual countries as well as managing pricing strategy.